Bondtesters are mechanical testing tools used primarily but not limited to semiconductor assembly verification. Using precision load cartridges such as wire pull, tweezer pull/peel, die shear and ball shear along with precision positioning in the X, Y and Z directions, while observing through a microscope, bond wire attachment, die attachment and ball bond attachment strength can be measured. Samples can be mechanically restrained by a vise or held in place with vacuum fixtures. Accolade uses the Dage 4000 bondtester for superior test results.
The electromechanical universal tester is a versatile tool for to execute many testing applications. One common application is tensile testing. Tensile testing is a fundamental materials science test in which a sample is subjected to a controlled tension until failure. The results from the test are commonly used to select a material for an application, for quality control, and to predict how a material will react under other types of forces. Properties that are directly measured via a tensile test are ultimate tensile strength, maximum elongation and reduction in area. From these measurements the following properties can also be determined: Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, yield strength, and strain-hardening characteristics. Uniaxial tensile testing is the most commonly used for obtaining the mechanical characteristics of isotropic materials. The electromechanical universal tester can also perform cycling testing for controlled force or stain during extension or retraction. Applications using the mechanical versatility of the electromechanical universal tester include, but not limited to, 3 point and 4 point bending, twisting torsion, electronic device package pull, peel testing, cyclic fatigue testing, connector mating/extraction force and wire pull testing.
Accolade Engineering Solutions offers a variety of mechanical testing applications services. Contact us today to discuss your testing needs with someone who can provide you with the expert knowledge to determine the right testing solution for you.
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